Saturday 11 June 2016

I dress sexily for people to talk about me says Actress Funke Etti

Nollywood actress, Funke Etti, tells Ademola Olonilua about her style and career
How did you come up with the concept for your talk show?
I would say being an actress gives you the laxity to do certain things that pertain to your job. For instance, you can be a musician, director, make-up artist, fashion designer, anything. As for me, I love music but I do not have a good voice, so I decided to do something different, something that people would appreciate when they see it; that is why I decided to have a talk show. There was a time we went for an event and the people I met there told me I could be a MC or talk show host because I could be funny at times, those comments geared me towards being a talk show host. I did not want to do what my other colleagues were venturing into. It took me about two years to make my dreams of becoming a talk show host a reality.
Are you planning to quit acting and become a full time talk show host?
It depends on the will of God.
How did you become an actress?
My journey to stardom began about 14 years ago and I was put on this path by one of my aunties that worked at the Censors Board. Before I became a professional actress, I had acted in some plays in school and church but it was just for the fun of it. When I eventually told my aunt that I wanted to become an actress, she said she knew about three marketers who could show me the ropes. She promised to take me to the best one; that was how she introduced me to Kolawole Latunde, and the rest is history.
How was your aunt able to convince your parents?
She did not have to convince them because both my parents were dead by that time. It made it a bit easier for me. I was staying with my father’s elder sister, Alhaja, and when I told her that I loved acting and wanted to make it a career, she said she would place a curse on me if I tried it.
When I started, I did not tell her because I knew that she would not be happy about it. As fate would have it, there was a day they were watching a film in which I starred in at home. I appeared in only one scene but she saw me. She told us to rewind the film to be sure but I denied it. I said the girl was my lookalike but she did not believe, so I had to confess. I give God the glory because she later gave me her blessing. Now she calls me to tell me that whenever she goes to a public gathering, people honour her because of my career.
How did you lose your parents?
I lost my mother in 1988 and my father in 1996. After their death, life was very tough and that is why I always pity people who tell me that they are orphans. I stopped crying about the death of my parents about two years ago. Before then, I would lock myself inside my room and cry my eyes out to the extent that people would call my aunt to report and she would just tell them to leave me that the tears were therapeutic.
Once I cry for about 30 minutes, I would feel relieved. I really miss them especially when I remember some fun times that we had together. When my parents died, I had some family friends and relatives that promised to take care of me, especially my education, but whenever I went to meet them, they would tell me that they had not paid their children’s school fees. It was a really tough period in my life but I thank God.
How have you been able to keep fit after two children?
I would say it has been the grace of God. I am not fashion crazy but once in a while, I like dressing in a crazy manner so that people would just talk. When I step out to an event and I dress the way I do, it  is  because I just want people to talk about me. They could see me follow a trend and they say I have joined the bandwagon but it is only because I just want people to talk.
                                      What do you do to maintain your physique?
I think it is wrong to be fat or obese. There is this crazy mentality among some women who believe that they should be fat so that people could respect them the more. They believe that people would think they are older than they are because of their physique but that is wrong.  I don’t believe in being fat. If I notice that I am adding some extra weight, I begin to work on it by exercising and watching what I eat.
It is very easy for me to reduce my weight; I could get slimmer within two weeks if I want to; same thing with if I want to add weight. I learnt that from Bukky Wright and Fathia Balogun, they are professionals when it comes to that.
What exactly did you learn from them?
You know most celebrities eat late because you spend most of the day shooting a movie. But once you decide that after 7pm you would not eat anything, it helps. It is not by drinking herbal tea or taking drugs. I just work on myself and I exercise.
Were you born a fair skinned person or you bleached your skin?
I keep saying it that there is no big deal if a woman decides to tone her skin once in a while but she should not bleach. There are some creams that you will use and they would make your skin glow but they would not bleach it. I don’t bleach but sometimes, I use some creams to tone my skin.
Do you have any tattoo?
Yes, I have one but you cannot see it where it is. I had the tattoos mainly because I was copying some people. When I saw it on people, I loved it a lot and it looked very nice, so I decided to try it. When I got to the tattoo shop, I told them that I wanted them to draw a big flower on my hand but at the end of the day, I settled for a very little inscription because I could not withstand the pain. I did not know the pain was that severe. I cannot have another tattoo again. I cannot even stand injections or anything that has to do with piercing my skin.
Why do you like wearing sexy dresses?
I love it; I love wearing mini-skirt but not every time. You cannot catch me wearing something that would reveal my bum but I love something that would show my cleavage a little.
What would you describe as your unique selling point?
I always thank God for the way he created me. I see every part of my body as an asset.
What is your favourite hairstyle?
I love the traditional shuku. I love it because it is very simple and I will not be bothered with the feeling of hair moving about on my neck. I fix long hair but I prefer to look natural; that is why I hardly apply make-up on my face. I wear make-up on my face when I am attending an event or a party. I don’t really like make-up but I use it because I don’t have a choice. I love looking simple; simplicity does not mean that you are not beautiful.
What is your fashion weakness?
I would say I love wearing slippers. I can wear flat slippers to Aso Rock to see the president. I am not a big fan of accessories and I wear them once in a while. I see them as stress. I do things that please me.
You come from an Islamic background; at what point in your life did you convert to Christianity?
That was about 12 years ago. I was at the Redemption Camp and Daddy G.O asked those who wanted to give their lives to Christ to come out. So I stepped forward. My mother was a Christian while my father was a Muslim but they did not force me to pick a religion, I decided on my own. When I was a Muslim, I enjoyed it and found it interesting. I prayed five times a day and fasted when I was supposed to. Now that I am a Christian, I follow the Christian way. 

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